Sustained Leadership Business Coaching Rostock
If you want to lead people you need to lead yourself first.

Sustained Leadership

Because every Human Being is unique and has its own fingerprint

My team is unmotivated?

I am now the senior of my former colleagues and only receive resistance?

My "new" co-workers are more distant during team meetings?

My role as a new divisional head is not respected?

Why don´t my new colleagues and employees respect me as much as our former boss?

I constantly struggle with my new colleagues during project meetings and project decisions?

Do I know my situative leadership style?

Does it actually fit to our business culture?

For the matter of change, "sustained leadership" is essential. So that the coachee knows his own behaviour patterns and knows how to control himself. 'Self'-awareness and 'self'-consciousness are the two pillars of successful leadership, because every behaviour,acting in the company, family, or any other context, is lead by various motives & values, personal attitudes, and individual needs. To realize this for oneself and other Human Beings, is the essence of sustained leadership.

During this leadership coaching, you are confronted with yourself, and you will realize your intrapersonal urges, as well as your implicit motives and explicit values.

You will learn to know and understand, how your personality affects your leadership behaviour. During systemic business coaching, you will develop individual solutions for your leadership behaviour. In that way, you create the fundament for your personal goal achievement in a professional and private context.

Content of this change request:

  • Classic leadership tasks and their implementation
  • Personal side analysis
  • Realization of personal implicit motives and explicit values
  • Your inner voice to your job / vocation
  • Dealing with personal barriers
  • Dealing with resistances and blockades
  • Development of goals for your own personal professional improvement
  • Development of personal strategies and measures for the implementation of your new goal dimensions

You decide about the focus points during the systemic business coaching. As systemic business coach, we support you during the coaching process, so that you reach your successful result as efficient as possible.

What distinguishes us from other coaches?

We stay by your side during the implementation phase of your newly developed personal solution and action patterns. Even if things change in your company during the implementation phase, we support you proficiently and reliable.

If you want to know more about our working method, check out:

Our Book on Amazon: Method Collection for Business Coaches and Economy Mediators.

The following link on Youtube also gives you a brief overview about what we are capable of with coaching.

Neue Seminarangebote

Feel the Change Motivbasiertes Visionscoaching & Meer Get more information
Feel the Difference Emotionales Führen – Neuroleadership Get more information
Feel the Power Die eigenen Resilienz Kräfte aktivieren. Get more information
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